Happy International Yoga Day 2022!

Tuesday, June 21st International Yoga Day 2022

"Yoga for Humanity" is the theme of Yoga Day 2022.

The United Nations declared International Yoga Day.

Sage Maharshi Patanjali is founder of Yoga.

Patanjali is the father of Yoga.

Hamsa is the Yoga Symbol of five fingers.

Ramamohana Brahmacharya is the father of modern Yoga.

Rishikesh is the birthplace of Yoga.

Yoga language is Sanskrit.

Swami Sivananda is the famous Yoga teacher.

Aim of Yoga day is to spread awareness of Yoga.

A-U-M is the 3 symbol in Yoga.

One word meaning of Yoga is to Unite.

RigVeda is mentioned in Yoga.

Happy International Yoga Day!